whereNotNull Method
The whereNotNull()
method filters the collection to include only items where the specified key's value is not null
or undefined
. This is particularly useful for finding complete records and validating data presence.
Basic Syntax
collect(items).whereNotNull(key: keyof T): Collection<T>
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
// Simple not-null check
const items = collect([
{ id: 1, name: 'Widget', description: null },
{ id: 2, name: 'Gadget', description: 'A cool gadget' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Tool', description: null }
const withDescriptions = items.whereNotNull('description')
// [
// { id: 2, name: 'Gadget', description: 'A cool gadget' }
// ]
Working with Objects
interface Product {
id: number
name: string
price: number | null
inStock: boolean | null
lastSold: Date | null
const products = collect<Product>([
{ id: 1, name: 'Widget', price: 99.99, inStock: true, lastSold: new Date() },
{ id: 2, name: 'Gadget', price: null, inStock: true, lastSold: null },
{ id: 3, name: 'Tool', price: 49.99, inStock: null, lastSold: new Date() }
// Find products with prices
const pricedProducts = products.whereNotNull('price')
// Find products with known stock status
const stockKnown = products.whereNotNull('inStock')
// Find products with sales history
const withSales = products.whereNotNull('lastSold')
Real-world Examples
Product Listing Manager
interface ListingData {
sku: string
name: string
description: string | null
price: number | null
images: string[] | null
specifications: Record<string, string> | null
class ListingManager {
constructor(private listings: Collection<ListingData>) {}
getPublishableListings(): Collection<ListingData> {
return this.listings
getListingStatus(): {
total: number,
publishable: number,
requiresWork: Collection<ListingData>
} {
const publishable = this.getPublishableListings()
return {
total: this.listings.count(),
publishable: publishable.count(),
requiresWork: this.listings
.filter(listing => !publishable.pluck('sku').contains(listing.sku))
getCompletionReport(): Record<string, number> {
return {
description: this.listings.whereNotNull('description').count(),
price: this.listings.whereNotNull('price').count(),
images: this.listings.whereNotNull('images').count(),
specifications: this.listings.whereNotNull('specifications').count()
Order Tracking System
interface OrderStatus {
orderId: string
processedAt: Date | null
shippedAt: Date | null
deliveredAt: Date | null
trackingNumber: string | null
estimatedDelivery: Date | null
class OrderTracker {
constructor(private orders: Collection<OrderStatus>) {}
getActiveShipments(): Collection<OrderStatus> {
return this.orders
getTrackableOrders(): Collection<OrderStatus> {
return this.orders
getShipmentProgress(): Record<string, number> {
const total = this.orders.count()
return {
processed: this.orders.whereNotNull('processedAt').count() / total * 100,
shipped: this.orders.whereNotNull('shippedAt').count() / total * 100,
delivered: this.orders.whereNotNull('deliveredAt').count() / total * 100
Advanced Usage
Customer Analysis System
interface CustomerData {
id: string
email: string
phoneNumber: string | null
preferences: string[] | null
lastPurchase: Date | null
segment: string | null
class CustomerAnalyzer {
constructor(private customers: Collection<CustomerData>) {}
getMarketableCustomers(): {
email: Collection<CustomerData>,
phone: Collection<CustomerData>,
both: Collection<CustomerData>
} {
const withEmail = this.customers.whereNotNull('email')
const withPhone = this.customers.whereNotNull('phoneNumber')
return {
email: withEmail,
phone: withPhone,
both: withEmail.intersect(withPhone)
getSegmentedCustomers(): Collection<CustomerData> {
return this.customers
getActiveCustomers(): Collection<CustomerData> {
return this.customers
.filter(customer => {
const lastPurchase = new Date(customer.lastPurchase!)
const thirtyDaysAgo = new Date()
thirtyDaysAgo.setDate(thirtyDaysAgo.getDate() - 30)
return lastPurchase >= thirtyDaysAgo
Type Safety
interface TypedProduct {
id: number
name: string
description: string | null
price: number | null
const products = collect<TypedProduct>([
{ id: 1, name: 'A', description: null, price: 100 },
{ id: 2, name: 'B', description: 'Test', price: null }
// Type-safe not-null checks
const withDescription = products.whereNotNull('description')
const withPrice = products.whereNotNull('price')
// TypeScript enforces valid keys and nullable types
// products.whereNotNull('name') // ✗ TypeScript error for non-nullable field
// products.whereNotNull('invalid') // ✗ TypeScript error for invalid key
Return Value
- Returns a new Collection containing only items where the specified key is not null
- Original collection remains unchanged
- Maintains type safety with TypeScript
- Can be chained with other collection methods
- Excludes both null and undefined values
- Empty collection if no matches found
Common Use Cases
1. Product Management
- Complete listings
- Valid products
- Active items
- Publishable content
- Available items
2. Order Processing
- Trackable shipments
- Valid orders
- Complete information
- Active deliveries
- Processable orders
3. Customer Management
- Valid contacts
- Complete profiles
- Active customers
- Marketable users
- Segmented customers
4. Inventory Control
- Available stock
- Valid items
- Active products
- Trackable inventory
- Complete records
5. Marketing Analysis
- Valid segments
- Complete campaigns
- Active promotions
- Trackable metrics
- Analyzable data
6. Data Validation
- Complete records
- Valid entries
- Active status
- Required fields
- Quality checks
7. Reporting
- Valid metrics
- Complete data
- Active periods
- Analyzable records
- Valid comparisons
8. User Management
- Active users
- Valid accounts
- Complete profiles
- Verified users
- Contactable customers
9. Content Management
- Published content
- Valid entries
- Complete articles
- Active listings
- Viewable items
10. Analytics
- Valid metrics
- Complete datasets
- Active tracking
- Analyzable periods
- Reportable data