Random Method
The random()
method returns a random item from the collection, or optionally multiple random items if you specify a number.
Basic Syntax
// Get one random item
// Get multiple random items
collect(items).random(length: number)
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
// Get single random item
const numbers = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
console.log(numbers.random()) // Random number from the collection
// Get multiple random items
console.log(numbers.random(3)) // Array of 3 random numbers
Working with Objects
interface User {
id: number
name: string
role: string
const users = collect<User>([
{ id: 1, name: 'John', role: 'admin' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Jane', role: 'user' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Bob', role: 'user' },
{ id: 4, name: 'Alice', role: 'moderator' }
// Get random user
const randomUser = users.random()
// Get multiple random users
const randomUsers = users.random(2)
Real-world Examples
Random Prize Generator
interface Prize {
id: string
name: string
probability: number
value: number
class PrizeGenerator {
private prizes: Collection<Prize>
constructor() {
this.prizes = collect<Prize>([
{ id: 'p1', name: 'Grand Prize', probability: 0.1, value: 1000 },
{ id: 'p2', name: 'Second Prize', probability: 0.2, value: 500 },
{ id: 'p3', name: 'Third Prize', probability: 0.3, value: 100 },
{ id: 'p4', name: 'Consolation', probability: 0.4, value: 10 }
drawPrize(): Prize {
// Simple random selection
return this.prizes.random()
drawMultiplePrizes(count: number): Prize[] {
return this.prizes.random(count)
Quiz Question Selector
interface Question {
id: number
text: string
difficulty: 'easy' | 'medium' | 'hard'
category: string
answers: string[]
correctAnswer: number
class QuizManager {
private questions: Collection<Question>
constructor(questions: Question[]) {
this.questions = collect(questions)
getRandomQuestions(count: number, difficulty?: Question['difficulty']): Question[] {
if (difficulty) {
return this.questions
.filter(q => q.difficulty === difficulty)
return this.questions.random(count)
getRandomQuestionByCategory(category: string): Question {
return this.questions
.filter(q => q.category === category)
Advanced Usage
Random Team Generator
interface Player {
id: number
name: string
skill: number
position: string
class TeamGenerator {
private players: Collection<Player>
constructor(players: Player[]) {
this.players = collect(players)
generateBalancedTeams(teamCount: number): Player[][] {
const playersPerTeam = Math.floor(this.players.count() / teamCount)
const teams: Player[][] = []
// Sort by skill to ensure balanced distribution
const sortedPlayers = this.players.sortBy('skill')
// Create teams
for (let i = 0; i < teamCount; i++) {
const teamPlayers = sortedPlayers
.filter(player => !teams.flat().includes(player))
return teams
getRandomSubstitutes(count: number): Player[] {
return this.players.random(count)
Random Test Data Generator
interface TestData {
id: string
scenario: string
inputs: any[]
expectedOutput: any
class TestDataGenerator {
private testCases: Collection<TestData>
constructor() {
this.testCases = collect<TestData>([
id: 'test1',
scenario: 'Valid input',
inputs: [1, 2, 3],
expectedOutput: 6
id: 'test2',
scenario: 'Empty input',
inputs: [],
expectedOutput: 0
// ... more test cases
getRandomTestCase(): TestData {
return this.testCases.random()
getRandomTestSuite(size: number): TestData[] {
return this.testCases.random(size)
Type Safety
interface TypedItem {
id: number
value: string
optional?: boolean
const items = collect<TypedItem>([
{ id: 1, value: 'one' },
{ id: 2, value: 'two', optional: true },
{ id: 3, value: 'three' }
// Type-safe random selections
const singleItem: TypedItem | undefined = items.random()
const multipleItems: TypedItem[] = items.random(2)
// TypeScript knows about the types
if (singleItem) {
console.log(singleItem.value) // ✓ Valid
console.log(singleItem.optional) // ✓ Valid (optional)
Return Value
- When called without arguments:
- Returns a single random item from the collection
- Returns undefined if the collection is empty
- When called with a number argument:
- Returns an array of random items of the specified length
- Returns all items in random order if requested length exceeds collection size
- Returns empty array if collection is empty