DateTime Method
The dateTime()
method formats date fields into locale-specific strings using the specified format.
Basic Syntax
dateTime<K extends keyof T>(
key: K,
format: string = 'en-US'
): CollectionOperations<T & { formatted: string }>
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
const orders = collect([
{ id: 1, createdAt: new Date('2024-01-15T10:30:00') }
const formatted = orders.dateTime('createdAt')
// { id: 1, createdAt: [Date], formatted: '1/15/2024, 10:30 AM' }
// Different locales
const frenchDates = orders.dateTime('createdAt', 'fr-FR')
// { id: 1, createdAt: [Date], formatted: '15/01/2024 10:30' }
Working with Different Formats
interface Event {
id: string
timestamp: Date
type: string
const events = collect<Event>([
id: 'E1',
timestamp: new Date('2024-01-15T14:30:00'),
type: 'login'
// Format for different regions
const usFormat = events.dateTime('timestamp', 'en-US')
const ukFormat = events.dateTime('timestamp', 'en-GB')
const jpFormat = events.dateTime('timestamp', 'ja-JP')
Real-world Example: E-commerce Order Timeline
interface OrderEvent {
orderId: string
event: string
timestamp: Date
metadata?: Record<string, any>
class OrderTimeline {
private events: Collection<OrderEvent>
constructor(events: OrderEvent[]) { = collect(events)
generateTimeline(locale = 'en-US') {
.dateTime('timestamp', locale)
.map(event => ({
displayEvent: this.formatEvent(event.event),
timeSince: this.getTimeSince(event.timestamp)
getLocalizedTimelines() {
return {
us: this.generateTimeline('en-US'),
uk: this.generateTimeline('en-GB'),
eu: this.generateTimeline('de-DE'),
asia: this.generateTimeline('ja-JP')
private formatEvent(event: string): string {
const eventMap: Record<string, string> = {
'order_placed': 'Order Placed',
'payment_received': 'Payment Confirmed',
'processing': 'Processing Order',
'shipped': 'Order Shipped'
return eventMap[event] || event
private getTimeSince(date: Date): string {
const minutes = Math.floor(( - date.getTime()) / 60000)
if (minutes < 60) return `${minutes}m ago`
if (minutes < 1440) return `${Math.floor(minutes/60)}h ago`
return `${Math.floor(minutes/1440)}d ago`
// Usage
const timeline = new OrderTimeline([
orderId: 'ORD1',
event: 'order_placed',
timestamp: new Date('2024-01-15T10:30:00')
orderId: 'ORD1',
event: 'payment_received',
timestamp: new Date('2024-01-15T10:35:00')
const localTimelines = timeline.getLocalizedTimelines()
Type Safety
interface Record {
id: string
date: Date
title: string
const records = collect<Record>([
{ id: '1', date: new Date(), title: 'Test' }
// Type-safe date formatting
const formatted = records.dateTime('date')
// Won't work with non-date fields
// records.dateTime('title') // ✗ TypeScript error
// Type includes formatted string
type ResultType = typeof formatted.first()
// Record & { formatted: string }
Return Value
- Returns Collection with added formatted field
- Formatted strings use locale-specific format
- Proper date and time components
- Timezone handling
- Language-specific names
- Cultural preferences
Common Use Cases
1. Order Management
- Order timestamps
- Delivery schedules
- Processing timelines
- Shipping updates
- Payment history
2. User Activity
- Login history
- Action timestamps
- Event logging
- Session tracking
- Audit trails
3. Content Management
- Publication dates
- Release schedules
- Update timestamps
- Version history
- Content lifecycle
4. Reporting
- Transaction logs
- Activity reports
- Performance metrics
- Time-based analysis
- Period summaries
5. International Business
- Multi-timezone support
- Regional formatting
- Local time display
- Global scheduling
- Cross-border operations