pipe Method
The pipe()
method passes the collection through a callback and returns the callback's result, allowing you to transform the collection into any value. Unlike tap()
, pipe()
can change the type of the data and is often used at the end of collection processing chains.
Basic Syntax
collect(items).pipe(callback: (collection: Collection<T>) => U): U
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
// Transform collection to a number
const numbers = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
const sum = numbers.pipe(collection => collection.sum())
console.log(sum) // 15
// Transform collection to an object
const items = collect(['a', 'b', 'c'])
const result = items.pipe(collection => ({
count: collection.count(),
items: collection.all(),
first: collection.first()
// { count: 3, items: ['a', 'b', 'c'], first: 'a' }
Working with Objects
interface Product {
id: number
name: string
price: number
stock: number
const products = collect<Product>([
{ id: 1, name: 'Widget', price: 100, stock: 5 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Gadget', price: 200, stock: 10 }
// Transform to inventory summary
const summary = products.pipe(collection => ({
totalProducts: collection.count(),
totalValue: collection.sum('price'),
averagePrice: collection.avg('price'),
totalStock: collection.sum('stock'),
outOfStock: collection.where('stock', 0).count()
Real-world Examples
Order Summary Generator
interface Order {
id: string
items: Array<{
productId: string
quantity: number
price: number
status: 'pending' | 'completed' | 'cancelled'
customerType: 'regular' | 'vip'
interface OrderSummary {
totalOrders: number
totalValue: number
averageOrderValue: number
itemsSold: number
vipOrders: number
ordersByStatus: Record<string, number>
class OrderAnalyzer {
generateSummary(orders: Collection<Order>): OrderSummary {
return orders.pipe(collection => ({
totalOrders: collection.count(),
totalValue: collection.sum(order =>
order.items.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.price * item.quantity, 0)
averageOrderValue: collection.avg(order =>
order.items.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.price * item.quantity, 0)
itemsSold: collection.sum(order =>
order.items.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.quantity, 0)
vipOrders: collection.where('customerType', 'vip').count(),
ordersByStatus: collection
.map(group => group.count())
Inventory Report Generator
interface StockItem {
sku: string
name: string
quantity: number
reorderPoint: number
location: string
lastRestocked: Date
interface InventoryReport {
date: Date
totalItems: number
totalStock: number
lowStockItems: string[]
stockByLocation: Record<string, number>
reorderNeeded: {
sku: string
quantity: number
daysLastRestocked: number
class InventoryReporter {
generateReport(inventory: Collection<StockItem>): InventoryReport {
const today = new Date()
return inventory.pipe(collection => ({
date: today,
totalItems: collection.count(),
totalStock: collection.sum('quantity'),
lowStockItems: collection
.filter(item => item.quantity <= item.reorderPoint)
stockByLocation: collection
.map(group => group.sum('quantity'))
reorderNeeded: collection
.filter(item => item.quantity <= item.reorderPoint)
.map(item => ({
sku: item.sku,
quantity: item.reorderPoint - item.quantity,
daysLastRestocked: Math.floor(
(today.getTime() - new Date(item.lastRestocked).getTime()) /
(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
Advanced Usage
Sales Performance Analyzer
interface SaleRecord {
id: string
date: Date
amount: number
category: string
salesPerson: string
region: string
interface SalesAnalysis {
topPerformers: Array<{
salesPerson: string
totalSales: number
averageTransaction: number
categoryPerformance: Record<string, {
total: number
count: number
average: number
regionalBreakdown: Record<string, {
revenue: number
transactions: number
topCategory: string
class SalesAnalyzer {
analyzeSales(sales: Collection<SaleRecord>): SalesAnalysis {
return sales.pipe(collection => ({
topPerformers: collection
.map((sales, person) => ({
salesPerson: person,
totalSales: sales.sum('amount'),
averageTransaction: sales.avg('amount')
categoryPerformance: collection
.map((sales, category) => ({
[category]: {
total: sales.sum('amount'),
count: sales.count(),
average: sales.avg('amount')
.reduce((acc, curr) => ({ ...acc, ...curr }), {}),
regionalBreakdown: collection
.map((sales, region) => ({
[region]: {
revenue: sales.sum('amount'),
transactions: sales.count(),
topCategory: sales
.map((catSales, cat) => ({
category: cat,
total: catSales.sum('amount')
?.category || ''
.reduce((acc, curr) => ({ ...acc, ...curr }), {})
Type Safety
interface TypedProduct {
id: number
price: number
stock: number
const products = collect<TypedProduct>([
{ id: 1, price: 100, stock: 5 },
{ id: 2, price: 200, stock: 10 }
// Type-safe transformation
interface Summary {
total: number
average: number
const summary: Summary = products.pipe(collection => ({
total: collection.sum('price'),
average: collection.avg('price')
// TypeScript enforces return type
// const invalid: string = products.pipe(...) // ✗ TypeScript error
Return Value
- Returns the result of the callback function
- Can return any type (not limited to collections)
- Return type is inferred by TypeScript
- Original collection remains unchanged
- Callback receives the full collection
- Useful for final transformations
Common Use Cases
1. Report Generation
- Creating summaries
- Generating analytics
- Building dashboards
- Producing statistics
- Formatting data
2. Data Transformation
- Converting formats
- Restructuring data
- Creating exports
- Building responses
- Formatting output
3. Analysis
- Performance metrics
- Sales analysis
- Inventory reports
- Customer insights
- Market analysis
4. API Responses
- Formatting responses
- Building payloads
- Creating DTOs
- Structuring data
- Preparing output
5. Business Intelligence
- KPI calculations
- Performance metrics
- Trend analysis
- Market insights
- Revenue reports
6. Export Generation
- CSV creation
- PDF preparation
- Excel formatting
- Data extraction
- Report building
7. Financial Reports
- Revenue summaries
- Profit calculation
- Cost analysis
- Budget reports
- Sales forecasts
8. Inventory Analysis
- Stock summaries
- Reorder reports
- Location analysis
- Movement tracking
- Availability reports
9. Customer Analytics
- Behavior analysis
- Purchase patterns
- Segment reports
- Loyalty metrics
- Engagement data
10. Performance Metrics
- Sales performance
- Employee metrics
- Product analysis
- Service levels
- Efficiency reports