Search Method
The search()
method performs a text search across specified fields, supporting fuzzy matching and field weighting. It returns matching items with a score indicating relevance.
Basic Syntax
search<K extends keyof T>(
query: string,
fields: K[],
options: {
fuzzy?: boolean,
weights?: Partial<Record<K, number>>
} = {}
): CollectionOperations<T & { score: number }>
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
const products = collect([
{ name: 'Pro Laptop', description: 'High-performance laptop' },
{ name: 'Gaming Mouse', description: 'RGB gaming mouse' },
{ name: 'Laptop Stand', description: 'Ergonomic stand' }
const results ='laptop', ['name', 'description'])
// [
// { name: 'Pro Laptop', description: '...', score: 1.0 },
// { name: 'Laptop Stand', description: '...', score: 1.0 }
// ]
Working with Fuzzy Search
interface Product {
sku: string
name: string
description: string
category: string
const products = collect<Product>([
sku: 'LAPTOP1',
name: 'Professional Laptop',
description: 'High-end workstation laptop',
category: 'Electronics'
sku: 'MOUSE1',
name: 'Wireless Mouse',
description: 'Bluetooth labtop accessory', // Misspelling
category: 'Accessories'
// Fuzzy search will find both due to 'laptop'/'labtop'
const results ='laptop', ['name', 'description'], {
fuzzy: true
Real-world Example: E-commerce Search Engine
interface ProductData {
id: string
name: string
description: string
brand: string
category: string
tags: string[]
class ProductSearchEngine {
private products: Collection<ProductData>
constructor(products: ProductData[]) {
this.products = collect(products)
search(query: string, options = {}) {
['name', 'description', 'brand', 'category'],
fuzzy: true,
weights: {
name: 2.0, // Name matches are most important
brand: 1.5, // Brand matches are next
category: 1.0, // Category matches
description: 0.5 // Description matches less important
.filter(result => result.score > 0.3) // Minimum relevance threshold
.sortBy('score', 'desc')
searchWithinCategory(query: string, category: string) {
.filter(product => product.category === category)
findSimilarProducts(productId: string) {
const product = this.products
.where('id', productId)
if (!product) return collect([])
return this.products
`${} ${product.category}`,
['name', 'category', 'tags'],
{ fuzzy: true }
.filter(p => !== productId) // Exclude original product
.take(5) // Top 5 similar products
// Usage
const searchEngine = new ProductSearchEngine([
id: 'P1',
name: 'Pro Laptop 15"',
description: 'Professional grade laptop',
brand: 'TechBrand',
category: 'Laptops',
tags: ['professional', 'laptop', '15-inch']
id: 'P2',
name: 'Gaming Laptop 17"',
description: 'High-performance gaming laptop',
brand: 'TechBrand',
category: 'Laptops',
tags: ['gaming', 'laptop', '17-inch']
const results ='pro laptop')
Type Safety
interface SearchableItem {
title: string
content: string
metadata?: {
author: string
const items = collect<SearchableItem>([
title: 'Hello World',
content: 'Welcome to our blog',
metadata: { author: 'Chris' }
// Type-safe field selection
const results =
['title', 'content'],
{ weights: { title: 2.0, content: 1.0 } }
// TypeScript enforces valid field names
//'test', ['invalid']) // ✗ TypeScript error
// Invalid weight field
//'test', ['title'], { weights: { invalid: 1 } }) // ✗ TypeScript error
Return Value
- Returns Collection of items with added score property
- Score indicates match relevance (0 to 1)
- Higher scores mean better matches
- Items sorted by score by default
- Original item properties preserved
- Type information maintained
Common Use Cases
1. Product Search
- Catalog search
- Product filtering
- Similar items
- Category search
- Brand search
2. Content Search
- Document search
- Article search
- Knowledge base
- FAQ search
- Blog search
3. User Search
- User directory
- Profile search
- Contact lookup
- Member search
- Staff directory
4. Order Search
- Order lookup
- Reference search
- Status search
- History search
- Invoice search
5. Support Search
- Ticket search
- Issue lookup
- Help articles
- Documentation
- Solution finder