Scan Method
The scan()
method performs a running accumulation over the collection, returning a new collection containing all intermediate results. Similar to reduce
, but preserves all steps of the accumulation process.
Basic Syntax
scan<U>(callback: (acc: U, item: T) => U, initial: U): CollectionOperations<U>
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
const numbers = collect([1, 2, 3, 4])
const runningSum = numbers.scan((acc, num) => acc + num, 0)
// [1, 3, 6, 10]
// Shows cumulative sum at each step
Working with Complex Values
interface Transaction {
amount: number
type: 'credit' | 'debit'
const transactions = collect<Transaction>([
{ amount: 100, type: 'credit' },
{ amount: 50, type: 'debit' },
{ amount: 75, type: 'credit' }
const balanceHistory = transactions.scan((balance, tx) => {
return tx.type === 'credit'
? balance + tx.amount
: balance - tx.amount
}, 0)
// [100, 50, 125]
Real-world Example: E-commerce Order Processing
interface Order {
orderId: string
amount: number
items: number
timestamp: Date
class OrderAnalyzer {
private orders: Collection<Order>
constructor(orders: Order[]) {
this.orders = collect(orders)
getRunningMetrics() {
return this.orders
.scan((metrics, order) => ({
totalOrders: metrics.totalOrders + 1,
totalRevenue: metrics.totalRevenue + order.amount,
totalItems: metrics.totalItems + order.items,
averageOrderValue: (metrics.totalRevenue + order.amount) / (metrics.totalOrders + 1),
averageItemsPerOrder: (metrics.totalItems + order.items) / (metrics.totalOrders + 1)
}), {
totalOrders: 0,
totalRevenue: 0,
totalItems: 0,
averageOrderValue: 0,
averageItemsPerOrder: 0
getRevenueCheckpoints(): Collection<{
checkpoint: number
ordersNeeded: number
timestamp: Date
}> {
const target = 10000 // $10,000 checkpoints
return this.orders
.scan((acc, order) => ({
total: + order.amount,
ordersProcessed: acc.ordersProcessed + 1,
latestTimestamp: order.timestamp
}), {
total: 0,
ordersProcessed: 0,
latestTimestamp: new Date()
.map(state => ({
checkpoint: Math.floor( / target) * target,
ordersNeeded: state.ordersProcessed,
timestamp: state.latestTimestamp
// Usage
const analyzer = new OrderAnalyzer([
orderId: 'ORD1',
amount: 100,
items: 2,
timestamp: new Date('2024-01-01')
orderId: 'ORD2',
amount: 200,
items: 3,
timestamp: new Date('2024-01-02')
const metrics = analyzer.getRunningMetrics()
Type Safety
interface Metrics {
count: number
total: number
const data = collect([10, 20, 30])
// Type-safe accumulation
const runningMetrics: CollectionOperations<Metrics> = data.scan(
(acc, value) => ({
count: acc.count + 1,
total: + value
{ count: 0, total: 0 }
// TypeScript enforces accumulator type
const result: Metrics = runningMetrics.last()!
Return Value
- Returns a Collection of all intermediate accumulation results
- Each item represents state after processing an element
- Collection length equals input length
- Maintains type safety through generics
- Preserves collection chain methods
- First result includes initial value
Common Use Cases
1. Financial Analysis
- Running balances
- Cumulative totals
- Transaction history
- Revenue tracking
- Budget monitoring
2. Progress Tracking
- Completion percentages
- Milestone tracking
- Task progress
- Goal achievement
- Step-by-step status
3. Performance Metrics
- Running averages
- Cumulative stats
- Performance history
- Resource usage
- Load tracking
4. Time Series
- Running calculations
- Trend analysis
- Sequential processing
- Historical states
- Data accumulation
5. Inventory Management
- Stock levels
- Order fulfillment
- Supply tracking
- Usage patterns
- Reorder points