Last Method
The last()
method retrieves the last element from the collection. When provided with a key, it returns the value of that key from the last element.
Basic Syntax
// Get last element
collect(items).last(): T | undefined
// Get last element's property
collect(items).last<K extends keyof T>(key: K): T[K] | undefined
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
// Simple array
const numbers = collect([1, 2, 3])
console.log(numbers.last()) // 3
// Empty collection
const empty = collect([])
console.log(empty.last()) // undefined
Working with Objects
interface User {
id: number
name: string
lastLogin: Date
const users = collect<User>([
{ id: 1, name: 'John', lastLogin: new Date('2024-01-01') },
{ id: 2, name: 'Jane', lastLogin: new Date('2024-01-02') }
// Get last user
// { id: 2, name: 'Jane', lastLogin: '2024-01-02' }
// Get last user's name
console.log(users.last('name')) // 'Jane'
// Get last login
console.log(users.last('lastLogin')) // Date object
Real-world Examples
Log Manager
interface LogEntry {
timestamp: Date
level: 'info' | 'warning' | 'error'
message: string
metadata?: Record<string, any>
class LogManager {
private logs: Collection<LogEntry>
constructor(logs: LogEntry[]) {
this.logs = collect(logs)
getLatestLog(): LogEntry | undefined {
return this.logs
getLatestErrorMessage(): string | undefined {
return this.logs
.filter(log => log.level === 'error')
Version Controller
interface Version {
number: string
releaseDate: Date
changes: string[]
stable: boolean
class VersionController {
private versions: Collection<Version>
constructor(versions: Version[]) {
this.versions = collect(versions)
getLatestStableVersion(): Version | undefined {
return this.versions
.filter(version => version.stable)
getLatestVersionNumber(): string | undefined {
return this.versions
Advanced Usage
Audit Trail System
interface AuditEntry {
id: string
entityId: string
action: 'create' | 'update' | 'delete'
timestamp: Date
changes: Record<string, any>
user: string
class AuditTrailManager {
private entries: Collection<AuditEntry>
constructor(entries: AuditEntry[]) {
this.entries = collect(entries)
getLatestEntityChange(entityId: string): AuditEntry | undefined {
return this.entries
.filter(entry => entry.entityId === entityId)
getLastModifiedBy(entityId: string): string | undefined {
return this.entries
.filter(entry => entry.entityId === entityId)
Backup System
interface BackupRecord {
id: string
filename: string
size: number
timestamp: Date
status: 'pending' | 'complete' | 'failed'
class BackupManager {
private backups: Collection<BackupRecord>
constructor(backups: BackupRecord[]) {
this.backups = collect(backups)
getLatestSuccessfulBackup(): BackupRecord | undefined {
return this.backups
.filter(backup => backup.status === 'complete')
getLatestBackupSize(): number | undefined {
return this.backups
.filter(backup => backup.status === 'complete')
Type Safety
interface TypedItem {
id: number
value: string
metadata?: Record<string, any>
const items = collect<TypedItem>([
{ id: 1, value: 'first' },
{ id: 2, value: 'last', metadata: { important: true } }
// Type-safe property access
const id: number | undefined = items.last('id')
const value: string | undefined = items.last('value')
const metadata: Record<string, any> | undefined = items.last('metadata')
// TypeScript enforces valid property names
// items.last('nonexistent') // ✗ TypeScript error
Return Value
- When called without arguments:
- Returns the last element in the collection
- Returns undefined if collection is empty
- When called with a key:
- Returns the value of that key from the last element
- Returns undefined if collection is empty or key doesn't exist
- Original collection remains unchanged
- Maintains type safety with TypeScript
Common Use Cases
1. Log Management
- Getting most recent log
- Finding latest error
- Retrieving last status
- Accessing recent events
2. Version Control
- Finding latest version
- Getting recent changes
- Accessing last release
- Retrieving update info
3. Audit Trails
- Tracking last modification
- Finding recent changes
- Getting latest state
- Accessing update history
4. Backup Systems
- Finding latest backup
- Getting recent snapshots
- Accessing backup status
- Retrieving recovery points
5. User Activity
- Tracking last login
- Finding recent actions
- Getting latest status
- Accessing user history
6. Transaction Processing
- Getting latest transaction
- Finding recent payments
- Accessing last status
- Retrieving final state
7. System Monitoring
- Finding latest metrics
- Getting recent alerts
- Accessing system state
- Retrieving health status
8. Queue Management
- Getting last item
- Finding final entry
- Accessing queue state
- Retrieving process status
9. Session Handling
- Tracking last activity
- Finding recent sessions
- Getting final state
- Accessing user status
10. Data Analysis
- Finding latest trends
- Getting recent data
- Accessing final results
- Retrieving endpoint values