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Shuffle Method

The shuffle() method randomly shuffles the items in the collection. This method uses a Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm to ensure unbiased randomization.

Basic Syntax



Basic Usage

import { collect } from 'ts-collect'

// Simple array shuffle
const numbers = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
// [3, 1, 5, 2, 4] (random order)

// String array shuffle
const words = collect(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'])
// ['cherry', 'apple', 'banana'] (random order)

Working with Objects

interface Card {
  suit: string
  value: string

const deck = collect<Card>([
  { suit: 'hearts', value: 'A' },
  { suit: 'hearts', value: 'K' },
  { suit: 'hearts', value: 'Q' },
  { suit: 'hearts', value: 'J' }

const shuffledDeck = deck.shuffle()
// Cards in random order

Real-world Examples

Quiz Generator

interface Question {
  id: number
  text: string
  answers: string[]
  correctAnswer: number

class QuizGenerator {
  private questions: Collection<Question>

  constructor(questions: Question[]) {
    this.questions = collect(questions)

  generateQuiz(numQuestions: number) {
    return this.questions
      .map(question => ({
        answers: collect(question.answers).shuffle().all()

// Usage
const quizGen = new QuizGenerator([
    id: 1,
    text: 'What is TypeScript?',
    answers: [
      'A superset of JavaScript',
      'A database',
      'A web browser',
      'An operating system'
    correctAnswer: 0
  // More questions...

const quiz = quizGen.generateQuiz(5)

Game Card Dealer

interface PlayingCard {
  suit: 'hearts' | 'diamonds' | 'clubs' | 'spades'
  rank: string
  value: number

class CardDealer {
  private deck: Collection<PlayingCard>

  constructor() {

  private initializeDeck() {
    const suits = ['hearts', 'diamonds', 'clubs', 'spades']
    const ranks = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']

    const deck: PlayingCard[] = []
    suits.forEach((suit) => {
      ranks.forEach((rank, index) => {
          suit: suit as PlayingCard['suit'],
          value: index + 2

    this.deck = collect(deck)

  shuffle() {
    this.deck = this.deck.shuffle()
    return this

  deal(numCards: number): PlayingCard[] {
    return this.deck.take(numCards).all()

Advanced Usage

Playlist Shuffler

interface Song {
  id: string
  title: string
  artist: string
  duration: number
  lastPlayed?: Date

class PlaylistManager {
  private songs: Collection<Song>
  private history: Collection<Song>

  constructor(songs: Song[]) {
    this.songs = collect(songs)
    this.history = collect([])

  shufflePlaylist() {
    // Weight shuffle based on last played
    const now = new Date()
    const weightedSongs = this.songs
      .map(song => ({,
        weight: song.lastPlayed
          ? (now.getTime() - song.lastPlayed.getTime()) / 1000 / 3600 // hours since last played
          : 24 // default to 24 hours if never played

    this.songs = collect(weightedSongs)
    return this.songs

  getNextSong(): Song | undefined {
    const song = this.songs.shift()
    if (song) {
      song.lastPlayed = new Date()
    return song

Team Randomizer

interface Player {
  id: number
  name: string
  skill: number
  position: string

class TeamBalancer {
  private players: Collection<Player>

  constructor(players: Player[]) {
    this.players = collect(players)

  createBalancedTeams(numTeams: number): Player[][] {
    // Sort by skill and then shuffle within skill levels
    const sortedPlayers = this.players
      .chunk(Math.ceil(this.players.count() / numTeams))
      .map(group => group.shuffle())

    // Distribute players across teams
    const teams: Player[][] = new Array(numTeams).fill([]).map(() => [])
    sortedPlayers.forEach((skillGroup, index) => {
      skillGroup.forEach((player, playerIndex) => {
        teams[playerIndex % numTeams].push(player)

    return teams

Type Safety

interface TypedItem {
  id: number
  value: string
  metadata?: Record<string, any>

const items = collect<TypedItem>([
  { id: 1, value: 'one' },
  { id: 2, value: 'two', metadata: { extra: 'info' } },
  { id: 3, value: 'three' }

// Type-safe shuffle
const shuffled = items.shuffle()

// TypeScript maintains type information
shuffled.each((item: TypedItem) => {
  console.log( // ✓ Valid
  console.log(item.value) // ✓ Valid
  console.log(item.metadata) // ✓ Valid (optional)

Return Value

  • Returns a new Collection instance with items in randomized order
  • Original collection remains unchanged
  • Maintains type safety with TypeScript
  • Uses Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm for unbiased randomization
  • Returns empty collection if input collection is empty

Released under the MIT License.