percentile Method
The percentile()
method calculates the value at a specified percentile in the collection. When a key is provided, it calculates the percentile of values for that specific property.
Basic Syntax
collect(items).percentile(p: number, key?: keyof T): number | undefined
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
// Simple percentile calculation
const numbers = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
console.log(numbers.percentile(50)) // 5 (median)
console.log(numbers.percentile(75)) // 7.5 (third quartile)
console.log(numbers.percentile(90)) // 9 (90th percentile)
// With objects
const items = collect([
{ value: 10 },
{ value: 20 },
{ value: 30 },
{ value: 40 }
console.log(items.percentile(75, 'value')) // 35
Working with Objects
interface Product {
id: number
price: number
salesRank: number
views: number
const products = collect<Product>([
{ id: 1, price: 100, salesRank: 5, views: 1000 },
{ id: 2, price: 200, salesRank: 2, views: 2000 },
{ id: 3, price: 150, salesRank: 8, views: 1500 },
{ id: 4, price: 300, salesRank: 1, views: 3000 }
// Get premium price threshold (75th percentile)
const premiumThreshold = products.percentile(75, 'price')
// Get high performance threshold (90th percentile)
const topPerformerThreshold = products.percentile(90, 'views')
Real-world Examples
Price Analysis System
interface PriceData {
productId: string
price: number
category: string
margin: number
marketShare: number
class PriceAnalyzer {
constructor(private priceData: Collection<PriceData>) {}
getPriceSegments(): {
budget: number,
standard: number,
premium: number,
luxury: number
} {
return {
budget: this.priceData.percentile(25, 'price') ?? 0,
standard: this.priceData.percentile(50, 'price') ?? 0,
premium: this.priceData.percentile(75, 'price') ?? 0,
luxury: this.priceData.percentile(90, 'price') ?? 0
getMarginThresholds(): {
low: number,
medium: number,
high: number
} {
return {
low: this.priceData.percentile(33, 'margin') ?? 0,
medium: this.priceData.percentile(66, 'margin') ?? 0,
high: this.priceData.percentile(90, 'margin') ?? 0
getMarketLeaders(): PriceData[] {
const threshold = this.priceData.percentile(80, 'marketShare') ?? 0
return this.priceData
.filter(item => item.marketShare >= threshold)
Performance Metrics Analyzer
interface PerformanceMetric {
salesRepId: string
revenue: number
conversionRate: number
customerSatisfaction: number
class PerformanceAnalyzer {
constructor(private metrics: Collection<PerformanceMetric>) {}
getPerformanceTiers(): {
exceptional: number,
excellent: number,
standard: number,
needsImprovement: number
} {
return {
exceptional: this.metrics.percentile(95, 'revenue') ?? 0,
excellent: this.metrics.percentile(75, 'revenue') ?? 0,
standard: this.metrics.percentile(50, 'revenue') ?? 0,
needsImprovement: this.metrics.percentile(25, 'revenue') ?? 0
identifyTopPerformers(): string[] {
const revenueThreshold = this.metrics.percentile(90, 'revenue') ?? 0
const conversionThreshold = this.metrics.percentile(90, 'conversionRate') ?? 0
return this.metrics
.filter(rep =>
rep.revenue >= revenueThreshold &&
rep.conversionRate >= conversionThreshold
getSatisfactionBenchmarks(): {
excellent: number,
satisfactory: number,
concerning: number
} {
return {
excellent: this.metrics.percentile(80, 'customerSatisfaction') ?? 0,
satisfactory: this.metrics.percentile(50, 'customerSatisfaction') ?? 0,
concerning: this.metrics.percentile(20, 'customerSatisfaction') ?? 0
Advanced Usage
Customer Analytics System
interface CustomerMetric {
customerId: string
lifetimeValue: number
orderFrequency: number
averageOrderValue: number
engagementScore: number
class CustomerAnalyzer {
constructor(private customers: Collection<CustomerMetric>) {}
getCustomerSegments(): {
vip: CustomerMetric[],
loyal: CustomerMetric[],
regular: CustomerMetric[],
occasional: CustomerMetric[]
} {
const vipThreshold = this.customers.percentile(90, 'lifetimeValue') ?? 0
const loyalThreshold = this.customers.percentile(75, 'lifetimeValue') ?? 0
const regularThreshold = this.customers.percentile(50, 'lifetimeValue') ?? 0
return {
vip: this.customers
.filter(c => c.lifetimeValue >= vipThreshold)
loyal: this.customers
.filter(c => c.lifetimeValue >= loyalThreshold && c.lifetimeValue < vipThreshold)
regular: this.customers
.filter(c => c.lifetimeValue >= regularThreshold && c.lifetimeValue < loyalThreshold)
occasional: this.customers
.filter(c => c.lifetimeValue < regularThreshold)
getEngagementBenchmarks(): {
highly: number,
moderately: number,
minimally: number
} {
return {
highly: this.customers.percentile(75, 'engagementScore') ?? 0,
moderately: this.customers.percentile(50, 'engagementScore') ?? 0,
minimally: this.customers.percentile(25, 'engagementScore') ?? 0
Type Safety
interface TypedMetric {
id: number
value: number
score: number
const metrics = collect<TypedMetric>([
{ id: 1, value: 100, score: 85 },
{ id: 2, value: 200, score: 92 }
// Type-safe percentile calculation
const valuePercentile: number | undefined = metrics.percentile(75, 'value')
const scorePercentile: number | undefined = metrics.percentile(90, 'score')
// TypeScript enforces valid keys
// metrics.percentile(75, 'invalid') // ✗ TypeScript error
Return Value
- Returns the value at the specified percentile
- Returns undefined for empty collections
- Returns undefined if percentile is invalid (< 0 or > 100)
- Handles decimal percentiles
- Maintains numeric precision
- Returns undefined for non-numeric values
Common Use Cases
1. Price Analysis
- Price segmentation
- Premium thresholds
- Market positioning
- Competitive analysis
- Margin analysis
2. Performance Metrics
- Revenue benchmarks
- Productivity thresholds
- Quality standards
- Achievement levels
- Efficiency metrics
3. Customer Segmentation
- Value tiers
- Engagement levels
- Loyalty brackets
- Activity thresholds
- Spending patterns
4. Inventory Analysis
- Stock levels
- Turnover rates
- Reorder points
- Safety stocks
- Demand patterns
5. Sales Analytics
- Revenue targets
- Commission tiers
- Goal setting
- Performance review
- Territory analysis
6. Quality Control
- Acceptance levels
- Defect thresholds
- Performance standards
- Control limits
- Tolerance ranges
7. Response Times
- Service levels
- Performance targets
- SLA thresholds
- Processing times
- Wait times
8. Resource Utilization
- Capacity planning
- Usage thresholds
- Efficiency targets
- Load balancing
- Resource allocation
9. Risk Assessment
- Risk thresholds
- Exposure limits
- Safety margins
- Compliance levels
- Security benchmarks
10. Marketing Analysis
- Campaign performance
- Engagement rates
- Conversion thresholds
- ROI benchmarks
- Response rates