Outliers Method
The outliers()
method identifies items in the collection where the specified numeric field value deviates significantly from the mean. It uses standard deviations to detect outliers, with a configurable threshold value.
Basic Syntax
outliers<K extends keyof T>(key: K, threshold = 2): CollectionOperations<T>
: The numeric field to analyzethreshold
: Number of standard deviations from mean (default: 2)
Basic Usage
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
const data = collect([
{ value: 10 },
{ value: 12 },
{ value: 11 },
{ value: 100 }, // outlier
{ value: 13 }
const anomalies = data.outliers('value')
// [{ value: 100 }]
Working with Multiple Fields
interface ProductMetrics {
sku: string
price: number
views: number
conversionRate: number
const products = collect<ProductMetrics>([
{ sku: 'A1', price: 99, views: 1000, conversionRate: 0.02 },
{ sku: 'A2', price: 89, views: 950, conversionRate: 0.03 },
{ sku: 'A3', price: 499, views: 800, conversionRate: 0.15 }, // price outlier
{ sku: 'A4', price: 79, views: 5000, conversionRate: 0.02 } // views outlier
// Check price outliers with custom threshold
const priceOutliers = products.outliers('price', 1.5)
// Check view count outliers
const viewOutliers = products.outliers('views')
Real-world Example: E-commerce Anomaly Detection
interface OrderMetrics {
orderId: string
total: number
items: number
shippingCost: number
processingTime: number
class OrderAnomalyDetector {
private orders: Collection<OrderMetrics>
constructor(orders: OrderMetrics[]) {
this.orders = collect(orders)
findAnomalousOrders() {
return {
highValueOrders: this.orders
.outliers('total', 2)
.map(order => ({
reason: 'Unusually high order value'
highShippingCost: this.orders
.outliers('shippingCost', 2)
.map(order => ({
reason: 'Abnormal shipping cost'
processingDelays: this.orders
.outliers('processingTime', 2)
.map(order => ({
reason: 'Processing time anomaly'
generateAnomalyReport(): string {
const anomalies = this.findAnomalousOrders()
return collect([
.map(order =>
`Order ${order.orderId}: ${order.reason} (Value: $${order.total})`
// Usage
const detector = new OrderAnomalyDetector([
orderId: 'ORD-1',
total: 99.99,
items: 2,
shippingCost: 10,
processingTime: 24
orderId: 'ORD-2',
total: 999.99, // outlier
items: 1,
shippingCost: 50, // outlier
processingTime: 48
Type Safety
interface MetricData {
timestamp: Date
value: number
category: string
const metrics = collect<MetricData>([
{ timestamp: new Date(), value: 100, category: 'A' },
{ timestamp: new Date(), value: 500, category: 'B' }
// Type-safe outlier detection
const anomalies: CollectionOperations<MetricData> = metrics.outliers('value')
// TypeScript enforces numeric fields
// metrics.outliers('category') // ✗ TypeScript error
Return Value
- Returns a Collection containing only outlier items
- Outliers are determined by statistical deviation
- Empty collection if no outliers found
- Original items preserved (not modified)
- Maintains type safety through generics
- Skips non-numeric and undefined values
Common Use Cases
1. Fraud Detection
- Unusual transaction amounts
- Suspicious order patterns
- Irregular shipping costs
- Abnormal return rates
- Payment anomalies
2. Quality Control
- Processing time anomalies
- Error rate spikes
- Performance outliers
- Resource usage spikes
- Service degradation
3. Inventory Analysis
- Price inconsistencies
- Stock level anomalies
- Reorder point violations
- Demand spikes
- Shelf life outliers
4. Customer Behavior
- Unusual purchase patterns
- Session duration anomalies
- Cart size outliers
- Conversion rate anomalies
- Traffic spikes
5. Performance Monitoring
- Response time outliers
- Load anomalies
- Resource consumption spikes
- Error rate anomalies
- Throughput deviations